How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter

Electric scooters have become very popular in recent years. They give users a convenient and cost-effective way to travel short distances. One common issue some users encounter is the speed limiter on their electric scooter. So, what is this device and why might you want to remove it?

What is a Speed Limiter?

A speed limiter is a device fitted to some electric scooters to limit how fast the scooter can travel. It functions by regulating the power from the motor to the wheels. The exact speed the limiter allows varies by model but is often around 15 to 20 mph.

Why Remove the Speed Limiter?

There are a few reasons why someone may want to remove their scooter’s speed limiter:

  • They live in an area with higher speed roads and need to keep up with traffic.
  • They want more acceleration and torque to ascend hills easier.
  • They often travel long distances and want a faster maximum speed.

Of course, picking a scooter model with more top power and speed is normally best. But tinkering with one you already own is sometimes done.

How to Bypass or Remove an Electric Scooter Speed Limiter

Removing the restrictions of a speed limiter is actually quite simple. There are a couple of different approaches you can take:

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How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter?

Throttle Control Limiter

Some simple electric scooters have a throttle control dial or lever with an internal mechanical stop. This physically blocks the throttle from fully opening.

To bypass this:

  • Fully loosen the screws holding the throttle control in place. They may be hidden or recessed.
  • Slide or rotate the control to its maximum setting so it makes contact with the mechanical block.
  • Mark the highest setting and disassemble the throttle to access the block.
  • Use abrasives or files to gradually remove material from the block.
  • Keep testing the throttle until it can fully open. Then, reassemble.

Control Board Limiter

Higher-end scooters often have a digital control board monitoring the speed. This uses throttle voltage signals and accelerometer data to enforce a software speed cap.

Options for modifying these:

  • Locate the controller board and find the exact speed limiter model online. Some can be adjusted or disabled through menu options.
  • Identify the voltage wire coming directly from the throttle to the controller board. Bypassing or tampering with this line can trick the board into allowing more signal. But this approach requires some electronic skills.
  • Directly swap out the controller board with an alternative model that has less restrictive software. But finding a suitable replacement board with the right connectors can be challenging.

Be sure to operate any modified scooter only in safe areas and use caution when disabling safety systems. Removing the speed limiter may also void the original warranty.


Electric scooters offer convenience and efficiency for short commutes. Removing the built-in speed limiter is possible in many models to gain faster maximum speeds. But keep in mind that this invalidates typical safety certifications and may not be safe. Always operate any modified device with extreme care and check your local regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do electric scooters have speed limiters?

Speed limiters are usually required for electric scooters to meet legal requirements for low-speed vehicles as well as certain insurance and safety rules. They keep speeds reasonable on public roads.

Is removing a speed limiter illegal?

In most areas removing a speed limiter would violate regulations regarding motorized vehicles on public roads and could risk fines. Always check local laws before modifying vehicles. Safe private property use may be allowed.

Can speed limiters be removed from rental scooters?

It is strictly prohibited to tamper with or modify the speed control systems on rental scooters. Doing so would likely also completely void any included liability insurance. Significant penalties can result.

How fast will my scooter go if I remove the limiter?

This depends on the motor power, but usually at least 25-30 mph for a standard electric scooter, and up to 55 mph for some high performance models. Removing all restrictions can allow the maximum possible speed.

Is it safe to ride electric scooters at higher speeds?

No, most electric scooters lack features to safely operate at very high speeds like suspension, brakes, or stability controls. Even speeds above 25 mph greatly increase risk of falls or accidents. Modifications should only be done for controlled, private use.

What kind of system limits the speed – mechanical or computerized?

Basic scooter models use mechanical stops on the throttle lever, usually capping speeds around 15 mph. More advanced electric scooters have electronic controller boards monitoring speed through Wheel sensors and limiting power accordingly.

Will removing the speed limiter damage my scooter over time?

It shouldn’t directly damage it, assuming no wires were tampered with. But higher speeds do put more strain on all systems including the motor, battery, and brakes. Their lifespan may be somewhat reduced as a result. It’s important to monitor temps and performance at higher velocities.

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