How To Fold Gotrax Scooter?

Have you ever wondered how to fold a Gotrax scooter? Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it seems. This guide will help you understand the process in simple, easy-to-follow steps.

What is a Gotrax Scooter?

A Gotrax scooter is a popular type of electric scooter that many people use for short trips around town. It’s lightweight, efficient, and most importantly, foldable!

Why Would You Want to Fold Your Gotrax Scooter?

Folding your Gotrax scooter makes it more compact and easier to carry around. If you’re heading to a friend’s house or taking public transportation, folding your scooter can make the journey much easier.

When Should You Fold Your Gotrax Scooter?

You should fold your Gotrax scooter whenever you need to transport it or store it away. This could be when you’re moving to a new location, traveling, or just tidying up at home.

How Do You Prepare Your Gotrax Scooter for Folding?

Before you start folding your Gotrax scooter, make sure it’s turned off and standing upright. You also want to ensure the handlebars are aligned with the front wheel.

How to Fold Your Gotrax Scooter?

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how to fold gotrax scooter?

Here comes the main part – folding the Gotrax scooter. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate the folding lever: This lever is usually found at the bottom of the steering column.
  2. Push down on the folding lever: Use one hand to push down on the lever while holding onto the handlebars with your other hand.
  3. Fold the scooter: Once the lever is pushed down, gently fold the scooter in half. The handlebars should now be touching the rear wheel.

What to Do After Folding Your Gotrax Scooter?

After you’ve folded your Gotrax scooter, you can easily carry it around or store it away. Make sure to handle it with care to prevent any damage.

In conclusion, learning how to fold a Gotrax scooter is an easy and straightforward process. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to do it in no time. So go ahead, give it a try and enjoy the convenience that your foldable Gotrax scooter brings!

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